WordQuiz is an easy-to-use application that is meant to help you study words or concepts. It is based on the idea of using flashcards to memorize words or phrases. You can start by filling a two-column table in which you pair questions and answers. For example, the first column may be for English words whereas the second will store the corresponding Spanish terms. In addition, you can attach multimedia information to the table cells in the form of audio or pictures.
Three types of questions are available. The simplest is working with flashcards. In this type of exercise, all you do is to say whether you know the answer or not. The program will then keep track of the wrong answers so that you can review these flashcards later. In a multiple-choice exercise, the program will show you the question and you will select the right answer from a list. Finally, the third type of exercise is based on a question-and-answer drill. This means you will have to type the answer. In the last two types of exercise described, the program will automatically check your answers. In addition, the program offers three modes. In the standard mode, the application will start showing flashcards with words from the first column; while in reverse mode, it will start from the second. Finally, there is a mixed mode that will show words from either column. As an additional option, you can assign a given time to each question.
In general, this application can be very useful for students who need to learn foreign words or practice medical, legal, or any other terminology.